A good work day takes the sting out of isolation.
Photo by Nicole Marti
After two years of Covid precautions-things are moving forward. Two things that had been put on hold were the Florida Cave Cavort and a new pole barn. Fortunately, now the time was right. The forecast was for a beautiful day on February 26, 2022. It was only one week before the Cavort, but the supplies finally arrived and the crew was ready. FSS members Sean and Doug Prior enlisted the help of their father: Jimmy Prior, who has no interest in caving, but knows how to plan and build. The Prior family went to work like a smoothly oiled machine-while the rest of us helped or did whatever to finish up the site.
Bill and Mike assist from the ground level. -
Sean, Jimmy, and Doug Prior bolting in the truss.
As morning turned to afternoon-the barn had made a lot of progress. The father and sons ‘Prior’ team worked like clockwork.
Kat jamming on the rake. -
If your going to have a fire-your going to need some water.
When Doug finished eating, he trimmed the trees rather than take a well deserved break.
Getting ready to raise the roof. -
Bill lends a hand.
Who knows what they did prior to today, but today (Feb 26th) the entire Prior family worked their $#&*! off!
Thanks to everyone that came out and helped for the day. The Florida Speleological Society (FSS) and all Florida Cavers owe Jimmy Prior and his two sons Sean and Doug a huge thanks for dedicating an entire weekend to building the pole barn. Also, thanks to the River City Grotto (RCG) for doing a fundraiser and donating the money for pole barn parts and materials. We now have a great structure out on Jerry’s Farm for bands, camping, and climbing classes.
Story by Philip Walker