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call out that he might need some help running people through Whitecliff Cave for the city, fellow FSS’ers were quick to respond.
The city had
planned a Brick City celebration of sorts. Camping out, track and field events, and a visit to the cave on the property were part of the fun on the Arbor Day weekend. The weather was great for
such an event.
By 9:00 am the seven of us, Bill Birdsall, Jerry Johnson, Jim
Smith, John Tumino, Kathryn Storey, Kitty Markley, and I were ready to start the procession though the entrance. We decided on staging ourselves throughout the cave and slot and basically passed each visitor from one to another.
The mini tours for our guests seemed to go smoothly and I believe that everyone we introduced to the site was grateful and impressed with the effort put forth. For most, it was their first experience underground and at each staging area FSS members were giving a quick lesson in cave conservation or busy answering a myriad of questions.
When the trips were done we exited and stood for our group pictures. One photo in particular sent to me by Bill B. showed the seven FSS members who participated. It’s a good shot and worthy of being displayed in my home.
Afterwards, we all headed to Burger King to eat some well earned fast food. I had a great time helping out. I enjoyed everyone’s company and respect each ones dedication and ability.
Bill, thanks for asking for assistance and staying on top of all the little details involved in Whitecliff. I’m sure in the future when the call goes out the energetic response will be every bit as good.