Author: admin

  • Catacombs Trip 11/18/12

    Marissa put together a trip to Catacombs on November 18, 2012. We have 10 people total for the trip. We met at the regular meeting place, and got to catch up with Danny and Annette. After chatting with them we headed over to Catacombs. Jason went ahead and graciously rigged…

  • Anderson Springs Trip Report

    It was the weekend of the TAG fall cave in and Wade and I made it to Jasper, TN at 3am. We pulled up to Kelly and Jason’s house and snuck in for a few hours of shut eye. We all awoke around 7:00 am to get ready to go.…

  • Florida Speleological Society attends the TAG Fall Cave-In!

    Well we all just made it back from the TAG Fall Cave-In! This event is held once a year in Georgia. It is sponsored by the Dogwood City Grotto. The event has a vendors row where you can buy all your caving gear, huge bonfires, and most importantly caving trips!…

  • Winter Ridgewalk

    In early January Sean and I decided to check out an old Ocala quarry that we’d both been to, but had never really checked that well.

  • Front Yard Cave Dig

    Ocala cavers at it again, digging on a karst feature in someone’s front yard.

  • White Cliff Cave Quarry Cleanup

    The FSS got together for a combined effort to clean up White Cliff Cave quarry and explore the cave afterwards.

  • FSS Expats Caving in West Virginia

    Bill Walker and Brian Williams head to Culverson Creek Cave in West Virginia.

  • Fishbone Cave and Tucks Cave

    Here are some pictures from recent trips into Fishbone Cave and Tucks Cave in Marion County. Tucks is one of the longer and more extensive caves in Florida.

  • Nature Camp Visits Hitchhiker Cave

    The FireWise Nature Camp visits Hitchhiker Cave in Ocala.

  • Breath of the Rock Cave

    A report of the history of the legendary Warren’s Ridge dig that Buford Pruitt has been working on for the last couple of years.