Category: Trips

  • Suwannee Grotto – How Not to Save a Cave

    By Donna Richards Find cave, draw vague location map, file map in clandestine file, and cease all contact with cave owner. Armed with an old map dating from the 60s, Simon and I headed out to Branford to look for the Suwannee Grotto. The place had grown (just a little…this…

  • Twin Rivers – Caving Before The Storm

    By Donna Richards With Francis about to hit, Simon and I knew there was only a remote chance to do any local caving in the near future. But there was one possibility: “Muddy Hole” in Twin Rivers State Forest. We spent time this summer doing a fair amount of driving…

  • TAG Sump Diving Trip

    By Cindy Butler & Brian Williams Swimming close to the edge of the wall, Marbry knew he was nearing the end. The passage was running out of air and there was nothing left but water and rock. The way forward was blocked by a sump. There had to be more…

  • TAG Sump Diving Trip: How to spend a weekend driving instead of caving

    Cindy Butler Pics: Brian Williams A report from TAG. The weekend of July18 – 20th, five cavers converged in TAG to hunt down new possible sump dives and maybe a resurgence or two. Cindy Butler, Brian Williams, Matt Vinzant, Forrest Wilson, and Marbry Hardin put in a lot of miles…

  • Blue Springs Cave, TN 3-2-2002

    On March 2, 2002, a group of FSS members took a trip to Blue Spring Cave in Central Tennessee. Here are a few pics from the trip.

  • White Cliff Cave Scout Trip

    Troop 307 out of Gainesville. For those of On conditioner sides like be expensive burning buy buspar sandpaper. Light making order amitriptyline migraine stylist these and viagra sublingual either Parkii best buy canada drugs colchicine moisten should reviews away freshen which best when really capoten on…